Monday, November 21, 2011

Leopard EYES

Finally tried the leopard eyes! Here are the pix as promised! Also notice the new Love Moschino cross body purse I just got =)

Thursday, November 17, 2011


It has been pouring rain here in Virginia for the last two days, and again today. But I have been good and went running the last two nights (pat on the back)
I will make myself go again tonight. It's not too intense but I am a firm believer that every little bit counts

Also, I went to the fabric store last night (great sale) and picked out a deep dark blue color for a dress I have in mind to make.. i'll probably start on it tonight, havn't made much since I got ride of my dressform years again- we'll see how this goes! and of course I will keep a photo log so you all (if anyone is reading) can see the progress!

Also got a new essie that I loveee Mink Muff! TRY IT

All for now


The Weather here is so nasty =(
But my hair is getting long wweee

Friday, November 4, 2011


Follow my boards on pinterest!
I'm sure you all know about pinterest, follow my boards =)

Follow My Pinterest!


It's Friday!

I love this little number I put together, leopard is in- so use it!
Everything in moderation, of course.. Sorry I don't think I have any makeup on :X

PS Notice that drink? It's rum mixed with apple cider and it tastes JUST like a candycorn!!
I hate candycorn but loved this :D
Happy weekend
